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Announcements for April 22 - April 28 2024

Writer's picture: Katie BennettKatie Bennett

Updated: Apr 24, 2024

Monday April 22 2024


Regular Training Night tonight , The Dress will be Civilian attire.  Make sure you wear a parka as we could be outside!!! 


Don’t forget your water bottle, pen and a notebook.


Flight 6 is on Duty

Save the Date

Apr 20  Tree Top Trekking

April 26-28 Spring Tagging

April 27th Gliding (only 15 spots for cadets who did not make it up in the fall)

May 4th Drill Competition (Drill Team only)

May 5th Wolf Den

May 10-12 FTX

May 25 Annual Ceremonial Review

And so much more…..

Spring Tagging

All shifts start and end at Barrie Armoury

Dress is C3 and if you don't have that, black and white is good. Make sure you dress for weather.  Bring your parka, touque and gloves as you may be outside. 

Parents who are tagging, you don't have to stand with your cadet but they must be visible at all times.  



Sat am


Sat pm


Sun am


Sun pm


Spring Tagging Signup

Tagging is our main source of fundraising and we need your support! Any cadet who is under 16 must have a parent or guardian tag with them.  We are asking that all cadets tag a minimum of 3 shifts.  Tagging pays for all the fun and exciting things we do.  We are planning an out of province trip next year so this tagging is important!

Those cadets who indicated they are interested in carrying a Square payment device during tagging should monitor their emails this week for an invite from the Square App. A separate email will be sent from the email with joining instructions.

Please note we do not have a Square device for every cadet, so only certain Tagging locations will receive a device.

Gliding April 27th 2024 

Selected cadets must arrive at Barrie Armoury by 0745 am. A Bus will take cadets to Borden.  Parents pick up cadets from Barrie Armoury by 130pm.  Lunch will be provided to cadets. Civilian Attire is the Dress.

Wolfs Den

Sign up quickly for the Wolfs Den trip, there are only 60 spots! We will be doing archery and sports. Dress is civilian, but make sure to dress for the weather as we are going to be outside. Fishing is available for those who want to, but you have to bring your own equipment. Drop off is on May 5th at 9:30am at Wolf's Den and pickup at 3:30pm. See permission form and sign up form below.

Permission Form:

Little Caesar’s Pizza Fundraiser kit pickup APRIL 22nd at cadets

All pizza kits must be picked up on the 22nd. We do not have space to store any kits. A prize will be given to the cadet that raised the most dough! Any questions please reach out to


Volunteers are needed! 102 Squadron Sponsoring Committee is looking for energetic, dedicated individuals willing to donate their time to help raise much-needed funds to support our squadron by joining the squadron sponsoring committee. To volunteer please contact

Kit Shop upcoming dates:

May 6th

May 25th at Annual

Cadet 365

Remember to sign in to your Cadet 365 account and familiarize yourself with Microsoft Teams as we will start using this as our primary method of communication. Step by step instructions can be found on the Cadet 365 Onboarding website

If you have any questions or haven't received your email and password, talk to your Level Officer or FSgt Wright. For technical support, reach out to

***You need to have logged on in order to do summer training.***

Static Displays

As a part of our Annual Ceremonial Review, we will have a variety of static displays set up for cadets, staff, friends and family, and distinguished guests to view. These displays will showcase different activities from the past year and what our squadron's all about! The level 4 cadets are working on putting these together but need your help!

Talk to or email the cadets below if you'd like to work on a static display.

Glider - Strachan-Gagné (

Bowling - Abdou (

Level 1, 2, 3 Hamilton Warplane Heritage Museum Trip - Boden (

Snow Tubing - Ivanov (

Effective Speaking and Debate - Pronin (

Tagging - Vanderploeg (

Senior Year End Trip - Foster (

RCAF Centennial - Bourdon-Barker (

Christmas Dinner - Bourret (

Remembrance Day - Thaljieh (

Wolf's Den - Wilhelm (


Lloyd Jenson Scholarship is a $1500 scholarship awarded to one deserving cadet who is leaving to pursue post-secondary education. Please submit scholarship applications to by May 1st, 2024. Interviews will take place on May 7th and 8th online from 7:30 pm



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